Secret Plot to Assassinate Trump? Shocking Claims Made by Controversial Congresswoman


In a shocking and controversial revelation, a member of Congress has made bold accusations that President Joe Biden is actively planning to assassinate former President Donald Trump. This explosive claim has sent shockwaves through the political world, reigniting tensions and sparking intense debates. But is there any truth to this alleged plot? Let's delve deeper into this explosive allegation and uncover the facts.

According to Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, a vocal and polarizing figure in the Republican Party, Biden has been secretly plotting to take out his predecessor. In a series of tweets, Greene asserted that the President is, quote, "creating lists of Trump supporters for targeted elimination." She also alleged that Biden's Vice President, Kamala Harris, has been urging the removal of the 45th President since the early days of their administration.

These startling claims have caused an uproar among both Democrats and Republicans, with many denouncing Greene's words as baseless and inflammatory. Yet, for some, her words have only reinforced preexisting suspicions about Biden's intentions towards Trump. And with the ongoing investigations into the Capitol riots, it's easy to see why some may believe that the President has a vendetta against his predecessor.

But what evidence does Greene have to back up her explosive allegations? So far, she has provided none, only citing "sources" and claiming that she has been informed of this alleged plot by a "whistleblower."

However, the lack of concrete evidence has not stopped her from demanding answers from the Biden administration, including calls for impeachment. As expected, the White House has dismissed Greene's claims as baseless and unfounded.

Despite the lack of evidence, Greene's words have sparked concerns and fears among Trump supporters, with many taking to social media to express their outrage and disbelief. The idea of a sitting President plotting the assassination of a former President is undoubtedly a cause for alarm, and it's no surprise that this news has garnered widespread attention and sparked intense debates.

But amidst all the chaos and accusations, one thing is clear – this is yet another example of the deep polarization and division within American politics. Greene's words have only served to deepen the divide and sow more seeds of mistrust and suspicion. With the nation still reeling from the aftermath of the 2020 election and the Capitol riots, this is the last thing the country needs.

As the debate rages on and investigations into the alleged plot continue, one thing remains certain – the United States is facing a deeply tumultuous and uncertain political climate. And whether or not there is any truth to Greene's allegations, one thing is for sure – the repercussions of this explosive claim will be felt for a long time to come.

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  1. jfk was a big danger to the globalist establishment. he was exposing the deep state agenda and refused military action in viet nam. look what happened to him, and it wasnt oswald who did it.

  2. As Corrupt and Marxist as these Dem-o-rats are, I wouldn’t put it past them!!! The raid on Mar-a-Largo is just the tip of the iceberg!! If trump had been their, they had order to shoot him and or the secret Service personnel if they interfered with them!!!

  3. The Dems have been dirty since the days of slavery in the South& the KKK! They lie, cheat & kill their enemies to shut them up. They stole the last election, are cheerleaders for infanticide. Biden isn’t making any of these decisions, he not capable. It’s all Obama, criminal Schumer,(who should have been conflicted when he threatened th Supreme Court Judges) and Peolosi.
    What an embarrassment our current leaders are!

  4. That girl is crazy,she should be put out of any Government office for making up stupid stories she just wants attention.

  5. Myself; I have no doubt that Biden’s admin. has considered a possible assassination against D. Trump. Considering how many of Hillary Clinton’s former associates have met up with death there is absolutely no doubt they have considered it. In fact; I am sure that is one of their plans if Don goes to prison.

  6. Obama wants Trump out..period..he hates Trump because Obama feels superior….his way or the highway.. Obama leads the US into destruction that he began in 2008. Obama told the FBI to go in with deadly force…you know exactly what that means..they want total control so much they created covid19 to harm humans..tried to force poison into all humans and animals and the total destruction of our culture and society. Obama…

  7. Leaving Greene’s comments aside, One thing did
    raise a red flag for me. Biden has a very nasty,snide mannerism and just can’t resist dropping hidden threats in his comments. Why would he suggest that Prisident Trump might not show up to debate him. ” If he shows up” what Biden doesn’t realize is the evil powers that be wouldn’t hesitate for one second to despose of him along with Trump. Their problem solved. Where can the catch these two men in the same place at the same time?? DEBATE LOCATION MAYBE?? Evil doesn’t sleep, Trumps security team has to step it up because I wouldn’t trust Bidens.

  8. She does go over board at times but she has more marbles than most republican do. Joe has control of the people that killed JFK. So what’s to stop dems from doing it all over again?

  9. I have often thought that if Biden sees that he can’t win in 2024 he will do what ever it takes to stay in power! The democrats are working with the UN and the WEF to end capitalism and destroy our country! That is old news! The WEF and the UN want the one world order and they are determined to have it if they have to take drastic measures! Covid was a dry run to see how people would obey what they are told! Liberals proved that they can easily be controlled and that they believe anything they are told! The fact that so many people in the world died means nothing to them! We are all expendable! The WEF has stated that people who don’t go along with their plans will not be allowed to join them later even as surfs or slaves! Do you get it yet? The reason the democrats hate Trump so much is that he is the only president who refused to sign the Paris agreement! The reason is that it calls for us to relinquish our sovereignty and do away with our constitution! Furthermore it will make the UN the only government for the world making and enforcing all laws! With UN troops to enforce their laws we will first lose our weapons and then our lives if we are not liberals! Biden’s FBI is using merchant codes to spy on people who are gun owners and who buy guns or ammo. If you buy at the main stores like Dicks or Cabelos the government knows what you purchase! Why would they do that? You know why! The FBI recently broke into an elderly couple’s home in the middle of the night. The man heard noise and knew someone was in their house. He took his gun and went out of their bedroom where they were sleeping and went into the hall. He could see people and started firing at the floor to make them leave. The FBI opened fire and shot him in the head! His wife had come out of the bedroom and his brains went all over her! The FBI was there and unannounced to see what guns the man had! No media reported on this except an on line site!


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