Biden Commerce Secretary Calls for Trump’s Political ‘Extinguishment’ Amid Rising Tensions


U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo sparked controversy on September 25, 2024, when she declared that voters should "extinguish" former President Donald Trump "for good" in the upcoming 2024 election. Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Raimondo, acting in her personal capacity, emphasized the importance of removing Trump from American politics permanently by voting him out. "Let’s extinguish him for good," she urged, further calling for his complete banishment from the political scene.

Her comments, made while advocating for Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign, quickly drew sharp criticism from Republicans. Many viewed Raimondo’s language as inflammatory and a stark contrast to the Biden administration’s calls for toned-down political rhetoric. Republican strategists and Trump supporters accused Raimondo of promoting divisive, even dangerous, language in an already tense political climate. Trump’s campaign officials immediately fired back, calling her remarks "irresponsible" and "anti-democratic."

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski sought to clarify Raimondo's intent, asking if she meant to say voters should defeat Trump at the ballot box. Raimondo confirmed, stating, "Yes, vote him out, banish him from American politics." She emphasized the risks of a Trump resurgence, particularly in terms of economic policies that she claimed would "hurt Americans, raise prices, and cost jobs" if Trump were re-elected.

This aggressive stance comes as the 2024 election cycle heats up, with both major political parties ramping up their attacks. Trump remains a polarizing figure, with staunch support from his base but fierce opposition from Democrats and even some Republicans. Raimondo’s remarks are likely to fuel further tension between the parties, especially as the Biden-Harris campaign positions itself as a bulwark against what they portray as Trump’s harmful policies.

In response to Raimondo’s comments, Trump’s campaign has accused the Biden administration of hypocrisy, arguing that calls for civility in politics fall flat when officials use terms like "extinguish" to describe their political opponents. Several Republican lawmakers echoed these sentiments, criticizing the language as "dangerous" and suggesting it could inflame political violence.

Raimondo, a former governor of Rhode Island, has a long history of taking strong stances on controversial issues, from reproductive rights to economic policy. She made national headlines in 2019 by codifying abortion protections in Rhode Island law, positioning herself as a progressive leader within the Democratic Party. However, her latest remarks have drawn fire not just from Republicans but also from some moderate voices who worry that this kind of rhetoric only deepens divisions in a country already grappling with political polarization.

The 2024 presidential race is shaping up to be one of the most contentious in recent memory, with both sides accusing the other of eroding democracy. Trump, despite facing multiple legal challenges and attempts on his life, continues to campaign vigorously, attracting large crowds and maintaining his appeal among many working-class voters.

Raimondo’s comments come at a particularly sensitive time, with Trump recently surviving two assassination attempts, further intensifying concerns about political violence. The Trump campaign has accused the Biden administration of not doing enough to protect him, while some Democrats argue that Trump himself is responsible for inflaming tensions with his combative rhetoric.


  1. two things to check out are saul alyinski (rules for radicals) and cloward – piven strategy. they are the play books the dnc and globalist’s are following.


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