Biden’s Push for Supreme Court Reforms Faces Divisions and Challenges


On July 16, 2024, President Joe Biden announced significant reforms for the U.S. Supreme Court, proposing term limits for justices and an enforceable ethics code. This move comes after a 288-page report from his Presidential Commission on Supreme Court reform, which highlighted deep divisions among commissioners and the public over potential changes.

The commission's report did not reach a consensus on expanding the Court, reflecting the broader national debate. While some commissioners and progressive advocates argue that expansion is necessary to address perceived partisanship and legitimacy issues, opponents warn it could undermine judicial independence and be exploited by future political forces​.

Term limits emerged as a more popular reform among the commission, though implementing such a change would likely require a constitutional amendment. Proponents believe term limits would align the Court more closely with election outcomes and make its membership more predictable.

Critics, however, argue that this could weaken judicial independence and politicize the confirmation process​.

The report also explored shifting certain powers from the Court to political branches, including proposals for supermajority voting requirements and congressional overrides of specific judicial decisions. Additionally, it addressed concerns over the Court's procedures, advocating for increased transparency, particularly regarding the use of the shadow docket and emergency rulings​​.

Despite the internal disagreements, Biden's reform agenda is bolstered by progressive groups like Demand Justice, which has committed significant resources to advocating for these changes. The group plans to spend $10 million on a campaign to rally public support and prepare for the potential impact of a second Trump administration on the judiciary​.

The timing of Biden's announcement is critical as he aims to influence the judicial landscape amidst ongoing controversies surrounding the Supreme Court's recent decisions, which have frustrated many Democrats. With upcoming elections, the future of these reforms hinges on both political will and public support.

In summary, while President Biden's proposed Supreme Court reforms aim to address long-standing issues of partisanship and transparency, they face considerable opposition and complex implementation challenges. The outcome of this ambitious agenda will significantly impact the judiciary's role and its perceived legitimacy in American democracy.


  1. XIDEN and the Socialist Dem-o-rats need to mind their own ethics!!! The SCOTUS is doing just fine with their code of ethics!!! Rangel and Waters will be on trial with their ethics committee. And Menendez as his conviction! Oh, and let us not forget Biden as his lies, deceit, and outright corruption!!!


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