House Committee: CIA Contractors Conspired with Biden Campaign


In a bombshell revelation, a joint interim report released by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the House Committee on the Judiciary, and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government claims that CIA contractors colluded with the Biden campaign during the 2020 presidential election. This report details a covert operation where intelligence officials allegedly used their positions to influence public opinion in favor of Joe Biden​.

The investigation, spearheaded by Representatives Jim Jordan (R-OH) and James Comer (R-KY), found that former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell played a pivotal role. Morell reportedly coordinated with Biden campaign advisor Antony Blinken to draft and disseminate a public statement that dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation.

This statement, signed by 51 former intelligence officials, was rushed through the CIA’s Prepublication Classification Review Board to ensure it was published quickly​​.

Gary Shapley, an IRS whistleblower, testified that the Justice Department obstructed efforts to interview Kevin Morris, a key witness in the Hunter Biden tax investigation. Shapley revealed that DOJ officials were summoned to CIA headquarters, raising questions about the CIA's involvement in shielding the Biden family from scrutiny​.

Further complicating the issue, it has been uncovered that some of the signatories of the Hunter Biden laptop letter may have been actively contracted by the CIA at the time. This raises significant concerns about the agency's impartiality and its potential role in political activities related to federal elections​.

House Republicans have demanded a full accounting from the CIA, including a list of all signatories who were under contract or consulting for the agency. They are pressing for answers on whether these individuals' roles related to Hunter Biden’s business dealings, the Biden family’s influence-peddling, or the suppression of the laptop scandal​.

This investigation is part of a broader effort by House Republicans to scrutinize the intelligence community's actions during the 2020 election. The Committees are exploring legislative reforms to prevent federal intelligence agencies from engaging in political activities and to strengthen oversight of how security clearances are used by former officials in the private sector​​.

As this inquiry unfolds, it underscores the growing tensions between Congress and the intelligence community. Lawmakers are determined to uncover the extent of the CIA’s involvement in the 2020 election and ensure that such actions are not repeated in future elections​.


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